16″ inch Roper Saddle Roping with Smooth Soft Leather Padded Seat – Dark Oil – includes Matching 3 Piece Horse Tack Set
16″ Roping saddle with smooth leather seat. Suede leather seat with stitching. Saddle features floral tooling on the jockeys and skirts. Comes complete with Leather off billet and tie strap.
Bullhide Covered Hardwood Tree
16″ inch Smooth Soft Leather Padded Seat
Full Quarter Horse Bars and 7” inch Gullet
Swell: 12.5”
Horn: 3.5”
Cantle: 3.5”
Skirts: 14” x 28”
Stirrups: 30″ – 38″ Leather Adjustment
**additional holes can be added to stirrup adjustments**
Weight: 36 lbs.
Dark Oil Finish
**Please note this saddle is warranted for roping.**
The saddle is double-rigged and comes with a leather tie strap and off-billet.
If you need another size, please contact us for custom orders.
Please provide your correct address for the shipping carrier. Thank you have a nice day!